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Mr. Tennyson, “What is meant by grouping of varieties of similar instincts? How do we put it into action?”

Sri Sri Thakur, “As there are different varieties of trees, cows, rams and fowls, so also are there different kinds of people. At the back of it there are different instincts. Instinct displays itself in activity. If the society is classified according to instincts and allotment of occupation is made accordingly, then each individual also becomes efficient and the society too achieves progress due to obtaining efficient service from each individual. Inborn capability is not wasted. Unhealthy competition and the conflict born from it are also minimized. Every person remains satisfied in his right place. Peace, stability and harmony become manifest in the political, social and economic sphere with a propitious splendor.”

As Mr. Das stood up to go somewhere Sri Sri Thakur asked with a smile, “Where are you going?”

Mr. Das, “I shall be back here very quickly.”

Sri Sri Thakur (with an animated expression of urgency in His eyes and face), “Do come back right away. Delay will destroy all zest.”

In the midst of serious discussions Sri Sri Thakur’s interesting manner of exhortation served to produce ripples of smiles on the faces of all present.

Mr. Tennyson, pursuing the thread of the previous topic, asked, “Will the classification of division continue from generation to generation?”

Sri Sri Thakur, “There should be biological evolution of superior qualities. To achieve that objective hereditary occupation should be introduced. Due to the pursuit of the same occupation for many generations, posterity inherits a special knack in that particular kind of work. It has an extraordinary value. Take for example the muslin* of Dacca. A section of weavers used to do this work hereditarily. The kind of fine work they used to perform is simply unmatched. But all weavers could not produce such excellent fabrics.

An ancient iron pillar of Delhi is said to be made of rustless iron. It has been maintaining the same appearance all along. Perhaps there was a group of people who knew the secret of it.

Again, a group of architects is said to have existed who invented such a quality of cement as could unite stones in an inextricable manner. The resultant solid mass never disintegrates.” (To be continued)

*Muslin: “A thin plain-weave cotton cloth used for curtains, sheets and dresses

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