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Question: You feel there is a need to bring progressive mood and industry in society. What do you mean by bringing industry in society?
Shri Shri Thakur: `Indo' means within and `struere' means to build up. So industry means building up from within. We have to bring amusing mood in our work – much like the way we show bustling enthusiasm while carrying out a work request from our lover. When such an amusing mood comes in our work, we can become industrious then.1 All the activities have stopped due to problems in marriage – someone's wife is taken away by someone else.2 Industry will grow as soon as marriage reform takes place.
Question: What do you mean by someone's wife is taken away by someone else?
Shri Shri Thakur: A woman who can happily follow the innate faculties of a man and thereby grow in health and mind is verily fit to be the wife of that particular man. Instead of this, if the opposite happens, then it is difficult to say whose wife has gone to whom.3
Foot notes:
1 "If men had to be tempted to work instead of driven to it, the obvious interest of the community would be to make work pleasant. So long as work is not made on the whole pleasant, it cannot be said that anything like a good state of society has been reached." – Roads to Freedom by Bertrand Russel
2 "Most people pick their partner for life with less care than their partners in business. They employ less discrimination in the choice of a mate than in the choice of a cook. They utilise less caution in the selection of the husband or a wife than in the purchase of a car or cow" – Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, Chief of Sex Institute in Berlin
3 "They may believe they are in love with each other, whereas their temperament demands a partner of a fundamentally different type………both the man and woman should be carefully examined, not only with regard to their health, not only with regard to their fitness to marry, but whether they are fit to marry each other." Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, Chief of Sex Institute in Berlin
[Ref: Nana Prasange Vol.1, Ninth Edition, Dec-2001, Page 56-58]

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