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Q: What do you mean by proper meditation?
Thakur: The continuous repetition of a particular word acts upon our central nervous system(CNS) and increases the elasticity of the brain cells. Thus the response which was beyond our comprehension, gradually becomes comprehensible. ­ Further, those sensitized brain cells begin to adjust; so they not only respond, but also retain; they become receptive...... ­..of course, if one thinks deeply about HIM through Whom the Name has been revealed - His desires,ideas, dicta.
Ref[Answer to the Quest]
Q: It is said that if we do repetition ofthe Holy Name, then sound and Jyoti will be felt. But I didn't feel anything like that.
Thakur: That comes through strong urge and interest. Interest brings concentration. The Holy Name creates vibration. Waves are created in the Central Nervous System (CNS). As a result of this, a heat energy is produced in the Brain cells. Our hidden ability of ears and eyes increases to manifold. The main thing is attachment. If someone meditates in desire of having Jyoti and Sounds, he/she will never experience them.
Ref[Alochana Prasange, Agrahayan 1399]
The Name is of three types.....BHAVA ­TMAK, DHANYATMAK, DHUNATMAK. For example,
'OM HLING KLING' such are the DHANYATMAK names.
The Name which we meditate upon is the DHUNATMAK one. It's basis is vibration. This is the mechanism of all other names. Within this Name, lies expansion, contraction and stagnation.
Our holy name has four letters:
'RA' (रा)- represents motion
'**' - cessation
'SWA'(स्वा) - outward force
'**' - inward force.
This is the Dayaldesh,the radiant unit.
Ref [Diprakshi, vol. 3]
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Keshtoda- At first, you told us to meditate upon various Holy names.
Thakur: Whatever it is, this Holy Name is the basic principle of all Names. It is highly beneficial.
Ref[ Alochana, Agrahayan, 1400, page 18]
Q: What happens if someone meditates upon this Holy Name without taking initiation?
Thakur: The effect of Name is there. But it is beneficial if the process is known. The main objective is to be concentric. And for that, Gurugrahan has to be done.
Ref[Alochana, Agrahayan, 1400, page 18]
Q: Why is it suggested to concentrate the mind at the root of the nose between the eyes? Do you believe there is a third eye as many mystics claim?
Thakur: It often happens that when a man is in deep thought, he unconsciously puts his finger there. I think it is often recommended to concentrate the mind on the third eye or pineal gland because by proceeding under proper guidance with the right practice of meditation, the base of the brain becomes excited. This excitement affects the pineal gland so that many suppressed impressions float up into the conscious mind. Then through work and activity, they are adjusted accordingly."
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