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Like the entire planets move on their orbit centring on the sun, the life of a person exists and continue to move on, based on a pull which remains outside his own self. This is perhaps a primordial affinity in man’s nature, which sometimes has been said as the genial current of the soul. A person’s life gets shaped and formed based on who or what is there at the centre. Life is in any way concentric, by origin; if we put a superior beloved, at that place and we make him the pivot of our life then we can achieve perfection in our life without much effort.
If we do not place an Ideal there, there will be something else in that place, knowingly or unknowingly, which would then drive us in the manner it likes. Invariably, it is any of the various kinds of complexes, which are called obsessions, are found to be there, may be by design or by default. It is a complex psychological process, which is not always perceptible to all of us. But we can understand this at times, may be when we are at a distress, or in a dispassionate mood or may be by some kind of enlightened vision. Whatever may be our perception on this issue, since the issue is very complex, it is advisable to go as per the view of the great sages. Our rational understanding may not be enough to drive deep into it unhurt. Our vision may be shrouded by emotion and indulgence. Nevertheless, it is easier to grasp this while paying attention to the sayings of wise man.
An Ideal is said to be fulfiller the best. We need to have such an ideal before us whom we can follow and be fulfilled to the best of our requirement and who can guide us in the most unerring way.
Theoretically, we can have any one as ideal whom we love and to whom we are prepared to surrender. The fact is that as we follow the ideal, the strength and limitation of the ideal also would have influence on us. It is not very difficult to appreciate that higher is the goal better would be the progress. Similarly, higher is the ideal, better would be our benefit. On the strength of that argument, it is to be said that our ideal should the best, the highest, the most evolved person, the best guide and hence the God himself. We need to have an ideal like Lord Rama was for Hanuman, Lord Krishna for Arjuna, Sri Ramakrishna for Swami Vivekananda; all these are live examples.
Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra, prophet of our age, comes out the most pertinent Ideal for us in our modern times, as he has covered all facets of our life including science, religion, education, economy, political science, philosophy and many other finer and complex areas of life in his teaching and preaching. Sri Sri Thakur himself has given us his words that once we surrender before him, he takes care of us. In his own hand written book, Satyanusaran (The Pursuit of Truth), he mentioned
“Take to the feet of a true Master, go on taking the Holy Name, and remain in the company of the devout. Truly I say, you have no more to worry for your elevation. “
Keeping ideal at the centre of life essentially means to make him an integral part our core being. There has to be a deep and intimate relationship between us and Sri Sri Thakur. Consciously and sub consciously our thought and action will be guided by him. It has a natural force of its own, as Sri Sri Thakur is a very loveable personality and he has a strong pull effect. But a conscious effort also needs to be put in that direction.
Sri Sri Thakur has provided some scientific processes for achieving that. To learn these processes we’ll have to take initiation (Diksha). After initiation we have to practice those processes daily with due adherence. This will develop our love for the Ideal gradually. We need to adjust ourselves to listen what he says and do accordingly.
Sri Sri Thakur used to say his devotees one simple thing. ‘You just love me’- a very short and sweet advice. In fact very high level spiritual practices become easier, if only we love him. Attachment to him is devotion. With love and devotion on the Ideal, there would be a continuous progressive refinement, which would take place almost imperceptibly. He has mentioned in message
“Be Concentric
And serve thy Lord accordingly
With every progressive go,
With every loving urge,
And have bliss----The wine of Life.”
With ideal at the centre, life would become concentrated and focused. Having a framework of Sri Sri Thakur’s ideology in our mind and as that framework can solve all our ideological conflicts and can fulfil all other established ideologies, and then we would not be torn asunder by a plethora of apparently contradictory views and emotions. We would rarely find ourselves at a crossroad, as we have a compass in your own hand. We can get live guidance when it is required.
Sri Sri Thakur’s has provided a very simple solution to the mystery surrounding complexes. He says complexes like lust, anger, greed and such other obsessions are natural tendency of human being. These have been part of human psychology; hence these are not to be shunned of; nothing very much to be worried about at their manifestation in our behaviour. In fact these are useful tools provided by nature to ourselves and each one of these feelings has got a very useful function to do. Only thing is that they need to be handled appropriately. The best way to handle them is to keep oneself under the influence of the Ideal. These complexes are very dreadful to the Ideal, as Ideal has got complete mastery on each of them. As long as a person is in touch with the Ideal, all these complexes would play only their assigned role. The moment, a person gets outside the area of influence of the Ideal, these complexes will assume various devilish role and start acting on the head of the person. Once they rise up the head, the person on his own cannot get rid of it. Again he needs the Ideal to come out their clutch. That is why Sri Sri Thakur advises his disciples always to remain within the focal area of the Ideal’s light, so that the shadow of complexes will automatically shy away. Like we cannot fight with darkness without the help of light, similarly we cannot get rid of complexes without the help of the Ideal.
Once man is away from the clutches of complexes, then he becomes master of his own self. In that state man can explore all the potential lying dormant in him. He can concentrate; he can regulate himself and can do whatever he wants to do. Then he can drive and play with emotions.
The attachment to ideal opens up so many fronts in a man’s mind that he out grows his boundary. The Ideal inspires him to go on achieving and acquiring more and more. The attachment with Ideal is a sure way to unfetter oneself from all kinds of bondage that man builds around himself. Sri Sri Thakur always inspired and supported people to live, grow, enjoy and acquire. Sri Sri Thakur promised peace and prosperity by means of the ideology that he preached.
The more we are attached to Sri Sri Thakur, more the chances that we get all what he wanted us to give. It all now is in our hand as to how much attached we feel for him and how much we translate his advises into practice and accordingly we get our selves rewarded. When a person will be actively fulfilling the wishes of his Lord, he will be outgrowing his own former self and possibilities for him will be immense. Sri Sri Thakur wants us to grow and be evolved into a very superior variety of human being. . In Sri Sri Thakur’s own words:
“Can you not bind
Yourself and all you love
To the Beloved Lord?
Can you not serve
With all your mighty urge
To materialize His wishes
And thus adjust all conflicts
In a majestic concord of existence?”
Sri Sri Thakur said the only way to bring about a cohesive society is to mobilize the members of the society around an Ideal. It is imperative that a society has to have a common ideal. That ideal should be such a person who fulfils each one as per distinctiveness. That person can guide and goad all the people on the path of progression without destroying their individual traits, heritages, liking and specialties. Once that person is upheld as Ideal and every body follows him a scene of collective prosperity dawns in the society. From the person’s point of view his interest in the Ideal also makes him inter-interested with others following same Ideal. Unity in diversity becomes a reality, when the diverse interests are fulfilled and diverse perspective are properly focused and streamlined.
Ideologically Sri Sri Thakur fulfils all other sectarian ideals. He does not have conflict with any sect, ism or viewpoint as long as it is brings about existential welfare. He does not believe in conversion, he promotes that convergence is better than conversion. He said all isms get culminated in existentialism. In Satyanusaran (The Pursuit of Truth), he mentioned
Oh Mankind! If you desire to invoke your good, forget sectarian conflict. Be regardful to all the past Prophets. Be attached to your living master or God and take only those who love Him as your own. Because all the past Prophets are consummated in the divine Man of the present.”
Sri Sri Thakur’s ideology makes a person so refined and flexible that he can accommodate others and serves others, so that collective co-existence becomes a reality. Integrity in thought and action, which comes out of practice of Sri Sri Thakur’s ideology sets the precondition for a collective harmony. In another reference, He quotes
"God is for all  
 Prophets are for all,
 No compartment-----
 But they are the fulfillers
 of all compartments
 in their equity;
 To create 'ism'
 is the satanic dissuasion
 of people
 from the unity...
 the GOD."
History is witness to the fact that a nation suffers when distorted ideologies are imposed on the lives of the people by leaders, who are mostly short sighted, who gets swayed away by their limited and selfish perception. Macro policies, which are set by such narrow objectives, make the people and society to pay a heavy price in terms of various kinds of set back. It is important that our leaders are led by Ideal like Sri Sri Thakur. They need to have understanding of the dynamics of eternal growth of man and mankind. Short-term expediency may kill the nation’s drive towards long term growth. Clarity in vision, interest in the good of others will sprout in the mind of a leader if he is guided by a seer; a master visionary like Sri Sri Thakur who knows what is required to be done at what level in which proportion and with kind of discrimination.
Surely we can conclude by mentioning that Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra can be the best epitome of symbol of unity in diversity and the quintessence of achieving excellences without distorting individual identity and traditions.

Taken from ‘Quest’ - Souvenir Published from United Kingdom (Satsang UK)

Rajarshi Roy
IT Consultant

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