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Why are we living? Or what is the goal of life since birth? Probably, this may be the most
critical question to someone and the most diversified kind of answers would appear vis a vis
this question. However, since the beginning of creation, man‘s eternal quest for immortality
has been so fundamental that we find it almost impossible to conceive of dying. Though death
of a life is inevitable, the paradox of the situation is that we do never want to die. Instead most
of us would like to live in full vigor, without wrinkles, grey hair or diseases and to enjoy life
for ever.
We know that we come into existence at a certain time, grow, mature, reproduce and gradually
dwindle and die. Our physical body is unreal, as it will perish in due time. In spite of this fact,
the human being always feels that some exception might be found in case of self. Even Pulitzer
prize winner William Saroyan, the author of ‗The Human Comedy‘, wrote in the days just prior
to his death: “Everybody has got to die but I have always believed an exception would be
made in my case, now what?
Since the days of the earliest human civilization until now, the objective of human life has been
analyzed as,
 The development of personality of the individual
 The development of worthy civilization
 The development of ‗civilized‘ state of mind
 The development of the ‗soul‘ (Self, Atman, Brahman) in order to escape from the
endless cycles of reincarnation.
In other words, man wants to attain Salvation, Liberation, Perfection, Final release, Freedom,
Realisation of God or Iswar-Prapti,Mukti or Moksha ( Upnishads), Nirvana ( Buddhiism ),
Vaikuntha ( Vaisnavas ), Kailash ( Saivas ), Sivapur ( Jains ), Chaturtha Akasa ( Christians ),
Saptam Akasa ( Mohammedans ) and so on. The ways and means to achieve this goal vary
from doctrine to doctrine but nevertheless all lead to the same truth, i.e. to attain the eternal
We always assume that there is some devil power which prevents us from our happiness &
successful state of life. In this regard, when it was asked to Sri Sri Thakur whether the devil
was a real power or as that of God, then Sri Sri Thakur stated that “If God is real force, Satan
does not exist on its own.We sponsor existence to it.Without our support, satan can not raise its
head. Keep your sight focussed on the Supreme Father; get yourself seized by Him; let satan be
lost in oblivion. Satan then would not get a space to breathe.”
Sri Sri Thakur states on His message as
“Where suffering shoots,
Existence crawls,
Intelligence weeps to unfold,
Surrender shouts with a
Rescuing urge.‖
Sri Sri Thakur further states in another message (Bengali) as
"Durdashate Kabu Jakhan / Brity Kabu Taye
Banchar Tane Manush Takhan / Bidhir pane Dhayee
Bidhir pathe pushti peyee / Chitta Sabal Hole
Brity Dhandar Swartha Niye / Aabar Chute Chale
Emni Kore Otha Parayee / Maranmukhe Dhayee
Ishta Utsajanee Kintu / Sab-ee palte jayee"
When our lives fall in danger or some disaster appears to our lives and we feel to fear of death,
then we pray God to get rescue from the danger. Almost all the miseries come through
uncontrolled mind or passions, and as a result of some unexpected situations, when the very
source of passion enjoyment is blocked, then we pray God to be relieved from such
uncomfortable situations. Subsequently, by praying and following Him a bit when our lives are
regularized, then again we run away for passion enjoyment in an uncontrolled way. And again
some irregularity appears in our lives. Through these ups & downs, life can not be balanced
towards progressive way; rather life is narrowed down towards the end with Unsuccessful,
Sorrow, Depression, and Unhappiness & finally Death. However, at any situation, if anybody
surrenders to HIM, prays and follows HIM with a stable devotion, then the life can be altered
just like a miracle.
Sri Sri Thakur enlightens & inspires our goal through the message as
“First of all, we must wage war on weakness. We must be bold and brave; for weakness is sin
incarnate! Drive it away at once—this depressing, blood sucking vampire! Say – you are bold,
the offspring of Might; believe—you are a son of Father the Supreme! Before all else, be
daring, be sincere. Then it is clear you have the right to enter the kingdom of heaven.”
“Take to the feet of a true Master, go on taking the Holy Name, and remain in the company of
the devout. Truly I say, you have no more to worry for your elevation.”
So first of all, we have to start revolution against ourselves. And that is the fundamental
concept of Satsang and its mission of "Man Making Industry" and to live and grow to achieve
‗immotality‘.Every individual has several potentialities. Every existence wants to be success in
life. The best strategy to success in any endeavor is to utilize his/her potentialities at his/her
best. And that can be possible when somebody‘s mind will fully be controlled. And that can be
possible by integrating and following by someone with an ideology, the greatest source of
energy and Love through initiation. The most powerful way to improve circumstances is by
upgrading our consciousness. If we try to change our situation without changing our mind,
sooner or later we will revert to our former position. When we change our mind, Life has no
choice but to re cluster it according to the new level of vibration at which we are operating. He
explains & delivers ‗KRIPA‘ (Blessing) as ‗DO‟ then „BECOME‟ and then „ACHIEVE‟.
And that is the so called ‗Blessings‘ of God.

Partha Pratim Roy
Senior IT consultant, Mumbai, India.

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