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“Being is instinct with existence,
          consciousness and blissful becoming
Spontaneously resisting evil,
          which is unfavourable to existence,
what is nurturing to existence,
          consciousness and blissful becoming is Dharma.
Dharma is embodied in a living Ideal.
          Initiation by the living Ideal
                                      begets adherence.
          Adherence brings adjustment of complexes.
Adjustment of complexes invites
                                    Uphold of existence.

Uphold of existence brings
          Compassionate sympathy.
Compassionate sympathy gives birth
          to integration.
Integration welcomes power.
Power invokes harmonious total growth.
          and uphold of existence gives rise to
deep concentration;
from deep concentration comes samadhi-
i.e. perfect absorption in the Supreme Spirit-
and from Samadhi comes eternal emancipation of the soul-
     the total extinction of passionate desire-
the great awakening of supreme consciousness”.
                     —- Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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