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On a metaphysical plane, Swastyayani vrata operates on two variables, viz, ‘soul’ and
‘society’. The vrata connects the two variables with a constant parameter that is
‘providence’. The variables are tied with each other with a set of equations, which are
called ‘existential principles’
Swastyayani Vrata and Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra
Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra has formulated Swastyayani vrata, as a scheme for the
elevation of soul and society. It is a scheme under the overall ideological paradigm of Sri
Sri Thakur and the basic thrust of the scheme is ‘protection’ and ‘progression’. Sri Sri
Thakur, as the incarnate of the age, played the dual role of a savior and promoter.
Amongst the instruments he used, Swastyayani was a powerful one. The level of
operation of the Swastyayani instrument was psychological, physical and social.
Devotion is the underlying basis on which all these operating tools work the best. Sri Sri
Thakur’s life and ideology is the grand example of Swastyayani. Therefore Swastyayani
vrata is understood best when viewed in the background of Sri Sri Thakur’s life and
ideology. Sri Sri Thakur is the fountainhead from where the stream of Swastyayani vrata
gushed out in a swift of salvation for the human race. For the humanity, Sri Sri Thakur is
the leading light under whose radiance, Swastyayani vrata is intended to illuminate every
heart and every face. The adherents of Swastyayni vrata are first the disciples of Sri Sri
Thakur and second the companion of every body’s life and growth. They are for the Lord
and not for others; they are for the Lord and so for others. They live in society and also
they live for the Lord and for the society.
Swastyayani vrata is a welfare scheme, where welfare beings with wellbeing (meaning
welfare of the soul) and proceeds with becoming (meaning balanced growth) and is
sustained with the blessings of the beloved (the most beloved ideal, Sri Sri Thakur). It
would be a travesty of truth, if anywhere any day, Swastyayani scheme is adopted in an
ideological vacuum or in the environment of distorted ideology (of Sri Sri Thakur).
Elements in formulation
Swastyayani scheme covers some basic elements of human life. These are: (a) human
body and health, (b) human mind and motive, (c) society and environment and (d) finally
industry and economic prosperity. The scheme essentially covers the whole of life of a
person and spills over to social living. The thrust is to have a balanced and progressive
community living, thriving on human energy, drive and industry. The scheme combines
all these elements in an ingenious and fundamental way and prescribes formulae, which
bring out the best in a person and in the community.
Original formulation and hangover of tradition
Whatever thought and ideological tenets Sri Sri Thakur has provided are original and are
his own making. His thoughts and expressions are remarkable for their originality and
clarity. Each word that Sri Sri Thakur spoke had a specific applicability and was
unmistakably his own, used for a specific purpose at a particular time. In this sense,
Swastyayani scheme is uniquely Sri Sri Thakur’s contribution for the present day human
kind and social system.
Swastyayani scheme has continuity with the prevalent and past traditions and culture.
The eternal and essential part of the human nature and social functioning is very much in
built in the Swastyayani scheme and therefore it is not a complete break from the past.
May be the better part of past culture is present in Swastyayani in updated version in a
meaningful construction. There is nothing in the Swastyayani scheme, which has been
borrowed from any other scheme as an alternate or substitute. But there are some such
things in Swastyayani, which are found in scattered pieces in some other schemes of
human welfare. Therefore, in that sense, Swastyayani is not an elementary innovation,
but it is a definite formulation of innumerable and so-called inscrutable elements of
human nature and social functioning.
How was it formulated and prescribed
The historical genesis of Swastyayani, as a package of daily individual programme, is not
clearly known to us. What is heard is that Sri Sri Thakur at one point desired to bless
those devotees, who sort of offer something to him regularly. At that point of benign
grace, the sketch of Swastyayani scheme was revealed before him. Symbolically, the
story implies that Swastyayani is a means devised to dispense divine grace. For those of
us who feel the need for divine blessing, Swastyayani is a veritable means for fulfillment.
It is an assured well-laid path of progress, whose end lies as far as one can trudge.
Swastyayani is a bridge
Observance of the principles of Swastyayani calls for rigorous actions. Sri Sri Thakur
says that human system is such that physical actions regulate a person’s life. Moderate
work pressure keeps a person on steady course. Devotion and dedication for the Lord
helps a man to achieve elevation of consciousness. Thus Swastyayani is a bridge that
connects spiritual to temporal and brings about an all round development of a person and
the society.
Axiomatic premises of Swastyayani
Human being in his normal state of existence is ruled by complexes. It is the dictates of
the complexes, which conduct and shape his behavior. It is however possible that a
person can be a master of his destiny, by psycho-spiritual manipulations, if he remains
attached with an ideal and gets over the hang up of complexes. It requires a program of
daily individual exercise, supported by social conditioning, both reinforcing each other.
Swastyayani is that crystal ball which makes and manipulates individual and social
character to an ideal and desired state.
Swastyayani vrata works like a tree
Swastyayani vrata is basically a ‘daily individual program’. At certain point, it also
becomes a collective effort. Swastyayani vrata therefore gets involved with social issues.
Issues, which would bring about social welfare, find an agenda in implementation of
Swastyayani vrata. Among many important social issues, Sri Sri Thakur wanted to bring
three things in the society; namely, ‘(a) progressive mood, (b) marriage reform and (c)
With all these as said above, the observation of Swastyayani remains with a person. It is
the person’s elevation of consciousness and his overall balanced growth, which is the
focussed objective of the scheme. The objective cannot be realized unless person
endeavor is made to imbibe the ideology of Sri Sri Thakur. In this sense, with all the
social aspects of Swastyayani as being talked about, Swastyayani vrata is to be
distinguished from many other social welfare oriented programs sponsored by many
government and non-governmental organizations, with huge resources, elaborate
planning and wide delivery outlets.
In its growth, manifestation and impact, Swastyayani vrata is likened to a plant.
Beginning with sowing of seed and the its germination, till a plant assumes the form of a
huge tree with branches, flowers and fruits, a plant lives by itself, it protects and
propagates itself and it also serves the environment in which it lives. There is life force in
a plant; it interacts with environment; it grows; it delivers flowers and fruits; it multiplies
itself and at every stage, it lends itself at the service of the environment and society. It
serves, even when it ceases to exist.
Swastyayani vrata also grows in intensity along with its daily practice by a devotee. As it
grows internally, its external manifestation becomes visible by way of being a better
human being, more peaceful life and being a socially useful person.

May the Lord have His way! May His wish prevail!

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