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The germ cells should continually be improved under a system of marriage based on the principle of Varnasram (the grouping of people of similar instincts). Marriage between members of the same Varna (a guild composed of people of similar instinct - The Message Vol. IX) and hypergamous marriage is most beneficial. Hypogamous marriage is harmful and so is marriage between people of common blood. Sri Sri Thakur warns:
Never allow, even by mistake
Marriage within the same clan of the
Same Vama
It will make your lineage decrepit
With in coherent qualities.
He defined hypergamy in this way:
Marriage of girl of lower birth
To a boy belonging to superior Varna
And heritage
Is called hypergamy
And society prospers thereby.

Sri Sri Thakur says:
A man's marriage into a family whose
culture is less
makes the society ascend in the way of progress."
(Anushruti Vol. I - 40)

In hypogamous marriage, the condition become just reverse, where the wife's heritage is superior to her husband's, the wealth of the germ cells deteriorates and ruins his own clan, so He says:
“By marrying into a higher family, a man
Aggravates chaos and ruins his own clan"
(Anushruti Vol. 1- 43)

The national life will eventually reach a point of serious crises if such marriages will not be discouraged and stopped. So He repeatedly warns:

If one marries a girl of superior culture
or offers a girl to an inferior boy,
His heritage decays, wealth leaves,
The state is injured.
( Anushruti Vol. I - 46)
It is only through marriage in consonance with Varnashramik principles that devout-spirited men will born and only then will a real welfare state evolve. Only a small fraction of His noble ideas on the subject for bringing out permanent changes in genetic makeup of human being through marriage reform are being described in this article.
So, if we want real welfare for our family, society and nation, we have to follow strictly the scientific marriage principles of Sri Sri Thakur so that men of high character, moral, valor, intelligence, artistic and scientific pursuits with creative activity and philosophical thinking may advent. His marriage theory should be widely propagated among the people following different religions and belonging to different castes and creeds for transforming world into heaven.

CULTURAL METHOD: Through this method man can be improved and transformed, if he accepts and follows an Ideal Man. This method is meant especially for those human races, which already exist on this planet and become victim of their passions in absence of Spiritual Guide in their life. Such persons gradually become self-centered and can neither grow nor expand their becoming nor do any good to their environment. By untottering love and active adherence to an ideal man of the age, the complexes of man are spontaneously adjusted and habits, behavior, inherent nature and culture are gradually changed and one can enter into the greater existence in which his desire for life and growth are truly fulfilled. So, it is said that" Man is shaped and fashioned by the object he loves". In this way, he becomes worthy of his humanity.
Sri Sri Thakur says:
             "The degeneration of humanity began at that moment when the unseen God was made infinite and, ignoring the seers, the worship of their sayings began"
"Oh Mankind! If you desire to invoke your good, forget sectarian conflict. Be regardful to all the past prophets. Be attached to your living master or God and take only those who love him as your own. Because all the past Prophets are consummated in the divine Man of the present (Satyanusaran)
Sri Sri Thakur is the center of life of entire human race on this universe. He is above all sectarian conflict. "Prophet of the time is the enlivening emblem of the past and fulfillment thereof. Love to him is love to all in the worship of God”.
Mohammedans have found Mohammed, Christians have seen the image of Jesus in Him, similarly men following various other religions and cult got loving touch of their Lords. By following Him each men could be united within a single bond.
He says:
"As much as everyone does for each other, so much unity sprouts up and feeling of love grow". According to Sri Sri Thakur:
Our goal is - the attainment of God,
A personality realized
With upholding and nurturing urge,
The way to it is
Active attachment
To the Spiritual Guide (Acharya)
"From this comes
Self adjustment, family adjustment,
Adjustment of the society
And adjustment of the state
And through this adjustment of state
forming a link of connection with the whole world
Meaningful in God;
And this alone
Is attainment's supreme awakening
(Adarsh Binayak)
No government, no policy and no scientific method can bring any change in chaotic conditions that prevail in our society today, unless the individuals are not self-adjusted. This adjustment comes, when one accepts an Ideal in his life. Without active attachment to and ideal, a man can never adjust himself, his family, society or state. This adjustment ultimately leads to an integration of whole country and even the whole world at basal level of soul, where people become actively sympathetic to one another through giving and receiving mutual service and cooperation centering round a common Ideal. Thus, Sri Sri Thakur's messages on man-making philosophy are to be disseminated widely for public support to save the humanity from destruction at this juncture of crises, as He is the center of our life and growth. The whole society, nation and universe should integrate under his loving shelter and guidance of present Acharyadev at Satsang, Deoghar (Jharkhand), India.

Professor of Botany, B.R.A. Bihar University,


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