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Thakur's eyes seemed to widen. "Have you ever seen in the scripture of love to fly
away from beloved ? No, no, no! Blessed love never likes any contradictory action
against the beloved, for love flows with every compassion: and what is more, it
binds the beloved with a tie of immortal adherence!"
Thakur glanced at a young Indian high school student standing on the edge of the
group and called, "What does Christ say about divorce?" The high school
student*, startled by this unexpected question and the apparent irrelevancy of it,
shrugged his shoulders helplessly. A Bible appeared from one of the attendants
who quickly leafed through the pages and began to read," He who divorces
commits adultery and he who marries a divorced woman commits adultery .. ."
[ * This apparently innocent and seemingly irrelevant query to the high
school youth was typical of Thakur. More than 15 years later when this
youth had become an intern in a hospital in Connecticut and was having
such difficulties with his wife that they seriously contemplated divorce, it
was this long forgotten warning that restored a balance and renewed
dedication to the young doctor that saved his marriage. Today, a successful
surgeon in the southern part of USA, a happy home and two brilliant sons
has made the doctor understand the relevance of Thakur's query of so
many years before.]
"Then you don't approve of divorce under any circumstances? Even when the life
together is nothing but conflict and sorrow for themselves and their children?"
"Physical separation in extreme incompatibility with a repenting, selfcontrolled,
patient forbearance and a scrutinizing search for solution may, as a
last resort, relieve conflict and sorrow" Thakur observed. "Yet, I believe, divorce
is ever an awful insult to humanity-especially to the progeny. It condemns one's
heart to hardness and loosens the noble, sentimental greed for life, turning the
people and the progeny uncharitable. It cherishes in the inner core of intelligence
a filthy morale that scatters in the environment. So, I feel it is a sin, the satanic
solution that deprives existence of good and Godliness and loses the prop of
concentric zeal which lies in the bosom of nature!"
The American girl frowned. "Then, Thakur, well . . . well, what of those like
us who are already divorced . . . . and our children .... do you feel we are
doomed ?”
Hope radiated from Thakur's eyes. "To think 'all is determined' or any
man is doomed is an outrage to terminate God the Infinite, the allmerciful
Almighty. I understand that good and '.id do exist. The strong
mind, aware of the bad, makes the good flourish. So, I think, that in any
society where divorce rolls on, linking the marital relation unrighteous, and
the mates unreliable props of life to each other . . . . in such cases, and
particularly in the union of previously divorced couples . . . if the dislike is
to be dislocated, they should cleave together with love for Beloved the Lord,
ever trying in the way of His love to chastise, mould, and appease each
other with forbearance, sympathy and understanding, in happiness,
sorrow and suffering. Further, while noting the villainous tyranny of divorce,
they should also teach their children to ignore it too—except in cases ofshameful
adultery. They should train their off-spring to select their mates
with every righteous, careful observation and then be united in sacred,
unbreakable wed-lock."
Thakur's voice became more compelling. "So I say again: Do resolve! Be not
shaken! Be not detached . . . not divorced! Become the prop and pilot for life
and becoming. Forbear and suffer for the welfare of each other with a coupled go
of love for your Lord. And, being strict to ignore and abhor the divorce system in
society with your heart, brain and soul, let your children enjoy their parents
with every loving, evolving push. Surely, in making them blessed, you shall be
blessed and all will joy the glimpse of heaven!"
After a few moments of silence, Thakur stood up in the flickering light of the
lantern and suggested "Let us go over by tree." The group arose and followed him
in the darkness.

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